Creative Ways To Sell Your Admirals Cove Home
Posted by Admirals Cove Homes on Dec 3, 2013 in Home, Real Estate | 0 comments
Even when selling your home in a sellers market it is very important to be creative and think outside the box. Everyone knows that their home needs to be clean and neat, and that now a day it is imperative for your home to have an online presence. But there are some creative home selling tips that not many people know.
1.) Put Together A Frequently Asked Questions List: This is a list of answers to questions you think buyers may ask or information that you think they should know. This may include information on the school district, the neighborhood, and anything else you think potential buyers need to know. You can even have a copy ready for all of your potential buyers to take with them.
2.) Utilize Social Media: Too often people don’t utilize their personal social media accounts when selling their home. But is very important that you use your own social media accounts to help promote your home or you may miss out on some great opportunities.
3.) Be Available 24/7: It is very important to always be available to potential buyers. Potential buyers need instant satisfaction and if they can’t look at your home right when they want to they may get discouraged and decide to move on. So even though it may be a pain having your home ready to show and being available all the time is very important.
4.) Be Flexible: Potential buyers don’t like homes with lots of contingencies so it is very important to be flexible when it comes to the closing of your home. If you are not flexible with your closing potential buyers may be hesitant about your home and you may even risk losing these potential buyers all together.