Admirals Cove Residents to Participate in Charity Fishing Event
Posted by Admirals Cove Homes on May 1, 2013 in Home | 0 comments
Mike Schmidt and The Winner’s Circle Charities hosted their annual Rock and Reel Gala and fishing tournament this week for the 12th consecutive year. The events were held to benefit the charity’s fight against cystic fibrosis.
Since the inception of the Gala and fishing tournament in 2001, the Winner’s Circle Charities has raised more than $1.5 million toward cystic fibrosis research. For the second straight year, Steve Moynihan and HMY Yachts has partnered with Schmidt for the fishing tournament.
In addition to Schmidt, several Admirals Cove residents were taking part in the fishing tournament held at Old Bahama Bay, including Waterfront Properties managing partner Rob Thompson and fellow committee members Harold Kay and George Bengston. Also participating on the committe is Debbie Weinstein, the mother of Brett Weinstein, who the charity was originally started for.
The boats left this morning from the Jupiter inlet on their way to Old Bahama Bay. The fishing tournament is part of a week-long event that kicked off this past Saturday at the Rock and Reel Gala and Auction at Admirals Cove.
For more information on the Winner’s Circle Charities, please visit www.winnerscirclecharities.org.