How To Plan For A Big Renovation
Posted by Admirals Cove Homes on Jul 17, 2013 in Home | 0 comments
It is pretty rare to buy a home that is completely perfect unless you are buying a band new, custom built home. If you are buying an existing home, there is a good chance that some sort of renovation will need to be done. If a big renovation is needed on your Admirals Cove home, here are some ways to make the process a little easier. Budget and save- One of the biggest problems when it comes to renovations is going over budget. Make sure you budget accordingly and have some extra cash in case things become more expensive than planned. Shop around- It is important to always get more than one quote on a project before starting to make sure you are getting a fair price. Just as important as the quote are references. References will tell you that not only are you getting the best price but also that you are getting a contractor that you can trust. For more information on home listings in Admirals Cove, contact Rob Thomson and the rest of the Admirals Cove team at (561) 743-0344 or...
Knowing the Right Time To Sell Your Home
Posted by Admirals Cove Homes on Jul 16, 2013 in Home | 0 comments
Listing your home on the market is similar to booking a flight or playing the stock market. Like those two scenarios, in the housing market you never really know what the future entails. With the housing market making a recovery, many people are taking this time to list their home. There are always risks that you take when you put your house on the market though. Home prices could continue to rise and you sold your house too soon. On the contrary, after selling your home, the prices could go down, thus you maximized your profits. The bottom line is, knowing when the right time is to sell your home. Several factors go into the selling decision other than just price. You have to consider your current financial situation and whether your credit is in good shape. Other factors can include neighborhood and location as well as what the current housing market will mean for purchasing your next home. In the end, the decision ultimately comes down to what is best for you and your family. At the end of the day, only you know when the right time to sell your home is. For more information on home listings in Admirals Cove, contact Rob Thomson and the rest of the Admirals Cove team at (561) 743-0344 or...
Home Buying Tips You Might Not Know
Posted by Admirals Cove Homes on Jul 15, 2013 in Home | 0 comments
You already know things like you need to get pre-approved for a loan and that you should hire a realtor in your market. Here are some home buying tips that you might not already know to find the perfect home in Admirals Cove. Bigger isn’t always better- It’s ok if you want to buy a big house, but bigger isn’t always better. The value of the biggest house in the neighborhood doesn’t always increase at the same rate as the smaller houses do. The biggest home in the neighborhood actually raises the home value of the other homes in the neighborhood. Watch for undercover costs- Many people purchase a home thinking that their monthly mortgage payments can be the same as what their rent payment was. The problem with that, is that there area costs that are not accounted for in the mortgage. Closing costs, property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, homeowners’ association dues, and home repairs are some of the most common expenses that aren’t factored into the monthly mortgage costs. Don’t obsess over the market- While it is smart to know what the current market is doing, you don’t need to obsess over it. The best time to buy a home is when you are ready and when you have the means to purchase it. While you might be able to save a little money later on, the interest rates might not be as good. As a result, you shouldn’t obsess over the market. For more information on home listings in Admirals Cove, contact Rob Thomson and the rest of the Admirals Cove team at (561) 743-0344 or...
Best Renovations That Make Your Home Sell
Posted by Admirals Cove Homes on Jul 12, 2013 in Home | 0 comments
While most home renovations bring a decent return on investment, some are better than others. When people are shopping for a home they tend to be more concerned about big ticket items more than little cosmetic things that can be easily fixed. Here are some of the best renovations that will make your home sell in Admirals Cove. Kitchen- A renovated kitchen is one of the best things that cane be done when it comes to return on investment. Buyers love to see updated appliances so when considering a renovation that will get your buyer’s attention, the kitchen is the way to go. Big ticket items- While the big ticket items aren’t usually the first thing to catch a prospective buyers eye, they are just as important as the more flashy items. People want to be able to move into the home and not have to worry about shelling out a lot of money for major work, especially after paying for the down payment and closing costs. The HVAC system and roof are the two biggest of the big ticket items that you want to make sure are in good shape. Go green- Many buyers these days want to move into a green home. Installing high-efficient upgrades will not only make your home sell faster but for a higher price as well. For more information on home listings in Admirals Cove, contact Rob Thomson and the rest of the Admirals Cove team at (561) 743-0344 or...
How Mortgage Rates Affect the Housing Market
Posted by Admirals Cove Homes on Jul 10, 2013 in Home, Real Estate | 0 comments
The number of people trying to buy for a home keeps increasing every month due to two huge factors. First, home costs are still comparatively cheap, and second, mortgage interest are still near all-time lows. But, because the demand for home ownership continues to grow, home prices and mortgage rates continue to rise. It’s clear that interest rates have an effect on home buyers. However, they also have an effect on the sellers as well. That’s why it is important for everybody to keep an eye on what rates are doing. On a $200,000 loan with a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage, an interest rate increase of just 1% can add nearly $1,400 in annual costs and $42,000 over the life of the loan. That’s why real estate experts say the time to buy is now. However, for many buyers, that is easier said than done. There are so many people that want to buy right now that the increase in buyers have led to bidding wars, with many homes selling for more than the original listing price. As long as this continues, sellers will maintain control of the market. However, with mortgage rates on the rise, some prospective buyers are choosing to bail out and stop pursuing a home. As home prices and interest rates increase, the idea of buying a home becomes less attractive to some consumers, especially if they keep losing in bidding wars. This is why mortgage rates are so important in the housing market. They don’t just affect the buyer trying to get the mortgage, they affect the seller as well. For more information on home listings in Admirals Cove, contact Rob Thomson and the rest of the Admirals Cove team at (561) 743-0344 or...