Five Moving Mistakes To Avoid!
Posted by Admirals Cove Homes on May 13, 2014 in Home, Real Estate | 0 comments
Buying a home is stressful enough there is no reason why you should pack on any unneeded stress with a difficult moving experience. Moving is often viewed as an arduous process that makes us tied, overworked, and full of stress. However, it doesn’t need to be that way and often most of the difficulty and stress involved in moving is brought on by unnecessary and avoidable mistakes. So here is a list of very common moving mistakes that you should avoid at all costs.
1.) Forgetting To Label Your Boxes: Labeling your boxes is a very simple and easy task, yet when people go to move it is often forgotten or neglected. For optimum efficiency you should not only label what is in your boxes but where they are going in your new home too.
2.) Packing Harmful Or Hazardous Items: This is a huge and very dangerous mistake, you should never ever pack away chemicals or hazardous items. These types of things should always be transported safely in a separate vehicle to ensure the safety of everyone involved in your move.
3.) Not Packing Yourself A Survival Kit: Anyone who has moved before will tell you that they would have loved a survival kit for their moving day. This can be anything from extra toilet paper and headache pills to a flashlight, scissors, and a screwdriver.
4.) Thinking You Can Do It All Yourself: One of the biggest mistakes you can make is assuming you can handle everything on your own. Do it yourself moving jobs take a great deal of advanced planning and feature more potential pitfalls and may not be as cheap and easy as you think.
5.) Not Having Sufficient Packing Materials: This is an extremely common mistake that infuses stress into your moving experience. This can be anything from not having enough boxes or tape for packing to an inadequate amount of space in your moving vehicles.