“Go Green” With Your Admirals Cove Home And Save Some Green!
Posted by Admirals Cove Homes on Dec 18, 2013 in Home, Real Estate | 0 comments
Going green with your Admirals Cove home is not only good for the environment but it can be great for your pockets as well. Plus you don’t have to be a granola-eating hippie living in the woods to be an energy conscious homeowner. You can go green by making some smart energy efficient changes to your home and it can end up saving you a lot in the long run. Weather you are an energy conscious person trying to save the world or are looking to save some money while increasing the value of your home we have developed a list of five eco-friendly tips that will help you go green.
1.) Get Green Appliances: A very simple and effective way to save on energy is by purchasing energy efficient appliances. Your appliances generally account for roughly 18 percent of your total household energy consumption. Upgrading to energy efficient “Energy Star” appliances can end up saving you between 10 to 50 percent on your energy and water consumption when compared to older models.
2.) Be Sure To Power Off And Unplug: Generally when people turn off an electronic they believe that because it is off that it isn’t using any energy. However, appliances and electronics are known as energy vampires. When plugged into the wall they will continue to drain energy. This unnecessary drain can cost the average household around $100 each and every year.
3.) Close Up And Seal Your Home: Heating and cooling systems generally consume a great deal of energy and you can be loosing even more if your home isn’t sealed and closed up correctly. Heat and AC can escape through cracks and openings in your home and can cost you a great deal of money. Sealing these areas and closing up your home can greatly improve your home’s energy efficiency and prevent this from happening.
4.) Use Energy Efficient Light Bulbs: We need light to live our daily lives but our lighting doesn’t need to be an energy thief. Try replacing your old light bulbs and lighting fixtures with more energy efficient ones that can improve the energy consumption of your home and they will also last a great deal longer. CFL lights require around 66 percent less energy, which can turn into thousands of dollars of savings down the road.
5.) Insulate Your Home: Much like closing up and sealing your home insulating your home is very important to its energy efficiency. Insulation provides a barrier to prevent heat or cold from escaping from your home. The proper insulation can afford you a more energy efficient home that will save you lots of money down the road.
6.) Get Off The Grid: Getting off the grid is not the easiest of ways to go green but is a wonderful substitute for standard energy sources for your home. There are also some great tax incentives and credits that the government offers for homeowners who incorporate solar panels into there home. Apart from the money you will save this will also considerably increase the appeal and value of your home.