Increase Your Home’s Resale Value With These Great Home Improvement Tips!
Posted by Admirals Cove Homes on Jan 26, 2014 in Home, Real Estate | 0 comments
Owning a home is one of the biggest and most important investments that you will make in your life. Improving your home throughout living in it via renovations and upgrades is essential to the success of your investment. Upgrading your exterior affords you with curb appeal and can help form great first impressions with your potential buyers, interior upgrades help create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere that will impress your buyers and help close the deal. However, many homeowners make the mistake of choosing home renovation and upgrade projects that have poor return on investments and don’t really improve their homes resale value. So to make sure you don’t make the same mistake here are some wonderful interior and exterior upgrades that are sure to boost the resale value of your home.
1.) Renovate Your Kitchen: Renovating your kitchen can be a costly project but these upgrades can significantly improve the resale value of your home. Upgrading your kitchen counters will run you around $5,000 and will increase your resale value around $8,600. Replacing your cabinets will cost around $870 and will increase your resale value around $1,500. Upgraded appliances will run you around $4,000 and will deliver you around $6,700 in resale value.
2.) Install Wood Floors: Wood flooring is a very desirable flooring option for potential buyers. However, you don’t need to install custom hardwood flooring to get the resale value that you desire. Laminate flooring is a wonderful substitute and for a 1,200 square foot home will run you around $4,000 and will boost your resale value as much as $8,500.
3.) Upgrade Your Exterior Doors: Your entry way is one of the first things potential buyers will see and will help form their first impression of your home. The sharper your entryway looks the more excited potential buyers will be to see the interior. Upgrading your front doors will run you around $1,200 and will afford you with around $2,100 in resale value.
4.) Repaint Your Exterior: Repainting the exterior of your home is one of the most recommended home renovation projects by experts and realtors. This is because on top of increasing your homes resale value it will also greatly boost its appeal to potential buyers. Repainting your exterior will generally run you around $1,400 and will deliver you around $2,200 in resale value.
5.) Replace Your Roof: Replacing your roof can be a timely and expensive project but can deliver you a great return on your investment. Not to mention that you can create a more bright and open feeling by raising the roof and adding a skylight or two. A re-roofing project will generally run you around $20,000 but can provide you with over $30,000 in resale value