Protect Your Admirals Cove Home From The Elements!
Posted by Admirals Cove Homes on Jan 23, 2014 in Home, Real Estate | 0 comments
The elements can be very damaging to your Admirals Cove home. Even though South Florida often features very desirable weather conditions we do get the occasional unexpected storm and that can have some really powerful winds and rain that can do some real damage to your Admirals Cove dream home. However, you can generally avoid any harm to your home completely by implementing the following three tips.
1.) Maintain Your Yard And Trim Your Trees: Be sure to trim any threatening branches and pick up your yard of fallen debris and loose items. Strong winds can cause these objects to become projectiles that can do some real harm to your home. Experts believe that it is a good idea to get your trees trimmed and pruned at least once a year. However, it is recommended that you take a walk around your property once a month to assess the safety of your home.
2.) Every So Often Check That Your Roof Is Secure: It is very important that your roof is secure and there are know signs of damage or wear. Experts believe that you should inspect your home once every one or two months to ensure that nothing with your roof goes unnoticed. They also believe you should have a professional take a look at it once every couple years to avoid any major issues that you may have missed.
3.) Maintain And Keep Clean Your Gutters And Down Pipes: It is very important that you routinely clean out and maintain your gutters and down pipes to prevent blockages and build up. It is also very important to regularly check your gutters and down pips to ensure that they are securely fastened and won’t get ripped off and become projectiles that can could potentially do some real damage to your home.